Alport syndrome


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Alport syndrome

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A 7-year-old boy is brought to the office by his parents for the evaluation of red colored urine. The patient has not experienced pain with urination, urinary frequency, or urgency. He has never experienced similar symptoms before. According to his parents, the patient has had fever and rhinorrhea for the past 2 days. Past medical history is notable for sensorineural deafness requiring hearing aids. He is otherwise healthy and enjoys being in the 1st grade. Family history is significant for end-stage renal disease in the patient’s maternal grandfather. Temperature is 37.1°C (98.8°F ), pulse is 86/min, respirations are 18/min, and blood pressure is 145/85 mmHg. Physical examination reveals a well-appearing boy in no acute distress. Cardiac, respiratory, and abdominal exams are unremarkable. Urinalysis is notable for microscopic hematuria and mild proteinuria. The type of collagen defective in this patient's condition is most extensively found in which of the following body tissues?

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Alport syndrome p. 614

cataracts and p. 550

collagen deficiency in p. 48

inheritance of p. 57

presentation p. 720


Alport syndrome p. 614

Eye disorders/diseases

Alport syndrome p. 616


Alport syndrome p. 614


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Collagens are a family of proteins that are collectively the most abundant protein in the body, and can be found throughout the various connective tissues.

Each member of the family is named with a Roman numeral, and if mutated or absent, can lead to problems in the tissues where that particular collagen is found.

Alport syndrome occurs as a result of mutations in Type IV collagen, which is particularly important in the glomerulus of the kidney, the eye, and the cochlea, and that’s why the symptoms of Alport syndrome are specific to those tissues.

Type IV collagen is a sheet-like structure found in all basement membranes and serves to support cells and form barrier.

The three basement membrane layers are the lamina lucida, lamina densa (where type IV collagen is), and lamina reticularis.

Now within the kidneys, there are glomeruli, which filter the blood and that together with a tubule forms a nephron.

These glomeruli happen to have a basement membranes, called the glomerular basement membrane, or GBM, and that GBM, along with the fenestrated, meaning has pores, capillary endothelium and the podocyte slit diaphragm, forms a selective filter, meaning that water and certain other plasma components can escape the capillary, forming the filtrate that will become urine, but red blood cells and most proteins stay in the glomerular capillary.

In Alport syndrome, kidney function is normal through early childhood, but over time, the missing or nonfunctional type IV collagen causes the GBM to become thin and overly porous.

This allows red blood cells to pass right through from the capillary to the urinary filtrate leading to microscopic hematuria, which is where red blood cells are seen in the urine under a microscope, and this might eventually lead to gross hematuria, where the red blood cells can be seen with the naked eye.

Over time, excessive amounts of protein start to get through the filter, resulting in proteinuria, or protein in the urine.

And finally this excessive protein loss and other factors cause the GBM to undergo sclerosis.

As there are less and less healthy glomeruli, somebody with Alport syndrome might develop renal insufficiency or even failure, which can lead to renovascular hypertension as well.