Hygiene - Perineal care: Nursing skills

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The perineum is defined as the area between the anus and, either the vaginal opening or the root of the penis. The perineal area is close to the sites of fecal and urine excretion. Furthermore, it’s the ideal dim, damp, and warm sanctuary for germs to flourish, so keeping this region clean is essential for preventing infections, skin irritation, and getting rid of unpleasant body odors. As a nurse, perineal care is one of the tasks you will need to perform on a regular basis. It’s also a chance to closely observe the condition of their skin in the area. Now, before we talk about how to complete perineal care, here are some general considerations. Perineal care is typically done at least once every day during a bath. However, for specific clients, like those with diarrhea, fecal or urinary incontinence, or vaginal bleeding or discharge, perineal care might be needed more regularly. If they are able, let them perform perineal care on their own but stay close by in case they need help. Otherwise, encourage the client to participate as much as possible and don’t rush the procedure.
Some clients may also find it comforting to have someone of their own gender present in the room. At all times, respect the client’s privacy and modesty by remembering to close the room’s door and bed curtains. Make sure the client is properly covered. Because bathing tends to trigger urination, remember to ask them if they need to use the bathroom, a bedpan, or urinal beforehand. At the same time, make sure to take the proper safety measures to protect yourself from possible exposure to the client’s body fluids or blood. Okay, so, when assisting with perineal care, first gather the supplies you’ll need including gloves, a bath blanket, paper towels, pre-moistened bath wipes or washcloths, a bed protector, towels, soap, a washbasin, clean clothing, and clean linens. Inform the client about the procedure before beginning and answer any questions related to the procedure.
Make sure that the wheels on the bed are locked and lower the side railings on the side you’ll be working on. Lower the head of the bed so that it is flat and raise the height of the bed to a comfortable working height. Start by filling the wash basin with warm water and check to make sure it's at a comfortable temperature. Cover the over-bed table with paper towels and place the basin together with soap, towels and washcloths. Next, put your gloves on and help the person lie on their back. Position a waterproof bed pad under the client’s buttocks to protect the bed linens and cover the client with a bath blanket. The top corner is placed at their neck, one corner is placed at each side with the corner tucked under the hips, and the bottom corner lies between the client's legs.