Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn disease): Clinical sciences

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Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD for short, is a condition characterized by chronic gastrointestinal tract inflammation that can be subdivided into Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Crohn Disease, or CD, can affect any part of the GI tract, mouth to anus, and is characterized by transmural skip lesions, which can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue and fever. Management is based on the severity of disease and it can be categorized as mild to moderate, moderate to severe, or severe.
Now, when evaluating a person with suspected CD, you should first perform an ABCDE assessment to determine if they are stable or unstable. They might present with signs of shock like tachycardia and hypotension. Because of the high mortality-risk in these individuals, it is essential to hospitalize them, obtain intravenous access, and start them on IV fluids. Once they are stable, you should determine the cause of their instability, which can be small bowel obstruction, or SBO for short, or sepsis.
Alright, individuals with SBO typically report severe nausea, vomiting, and the absence of flatus, while physical exam might reveal a distended abdomen and high pitched, tinkling, bowel sounds. An abdominal X-ray will show dilated loops of small bowel with air-fluid levels.
Now, when it comes to individuals with sepsis, which often occurs from an abscess, they might report fever, fatigue, localized pain and sometimes a mass in the perianal area. On a physical exam, you might be able to palpate an abdominal or perianal mass, but sometimes you’ll need to use a CT or MRI of the abdomen and pelvis to detect the abscess.
As for the treatment, all unstable individuals should be hospitalized, get IV antibiotics and a surgery consultation for laparoscopy or abscess drainage. Additionally, for an SBO, you should place a nasogastric tube for suction.
Ok, let’s switch gears and talk about stable individuals. The first step is to obtain a focused history and physical exam. History typically reveals postprandial abdominal pain, usually in the right lower quadrant, and non-bloody diarrhea. However, if the disease is in the colon, the patient might report bloody diarrhea. Additionally, they may report fatigue, weight loss, and fever, as well as extraintestinal manifestations such as joint or eye pain, skin findings like tender red spots that indicate erythema nodosum and painful ulcerations associated with pyoderma gangrenosum.
- "AGA Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Medical Management of Moderate to Severe Luminal and Perianal Fistulizing Crohn's Disease" Gastroenterology (2021)
- "ACG Clinical Guideline: Management of Crohn's Disease in Adults" Am J Gastroenterol (2018)
- "Medical Management of Crohn's Disease" Cureus (2020)
- "Small bowel MR enterography: problem solving in Crohn's disease" Insights Imaging (2012)
- "Implementation of the simple endoscopic activity score in crohn's disease" Saudi J Gastroenterol (2016)
- "A Review of Four Practice Guidelines of Inflammatory Bowel Disease" Cureus (2021)
- "I have a patient with unintentional weight loss. How do I determine the cause?" Symptom to Diagnosis an Evidence Based Guide (2020)
- "The Montreal classification of inflammatory bowel disease: controversies, consensus, and implications" Gut (2006)
- "Crohn's Disease: Diagnosis and Management" Am Fam Physician (2018)
- "Crohn's disease of the upper gastrointestinal tract" Neth J Med (1997)