Introduction to the cardiovascular system


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As a society, we rely on complex transportation networks in order to supply and transport important goods and materials. The same idea goes for the human body.

Here, the circulatory systems form a complex transportation network, which allows movement of important materials, such as oxygen, around the body.

This circulatory system has two divisions: the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic system. Now, let’s get our blood flowing and focus on the cardiovascular system!

The term “cardiovascular” can be broken down into cardio-, meaning heart, and -vascular, meaning blood vessels. So, the cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels, which together make up the blood transportation network of the body that carries nutrients, oxygen and waste products to and from cells.

The heart is a muscular organ that lies in the chest, and it pumps blood through the network of blood vessels in the body. It’s composed of four chambers: a right and left atrium, as well as a right and left ventricle.

Next are the blood vessels, which are tube-like structures that carry the blood being pumped by the heart. Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to supply the body with oxygen and nutrients, and veins carry carbon dioxide-rich blood and waste products from other parts of the body back into the heart.

The blood running through these blood vessels also carry signaling molecules, called hormones, which allow for communication between organs and organ systems.

Lastly, blood helps regulate body temperature. For example, when it's really cold outside, the blood vessels lying close to the skin constrict to reduce blood flow, saving the heat within the body.

Now, there are two main networks, called the pulmonary and systemic circulation, that allow for blood circulation between the heart and the tissues in our body.


The cardiovascular system is a series of organs that work together to circulate blood throughout the body. It includes the heart, which pumps blood through blood vessels; namely the veins, arteries, and capillaries.

Arteries generally carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to supply the body with oxygen and nutrients, whereas veins carry carbon dioxide-rich blood and waste products from other parts of the body back into the heart. The capillaries are tiny vessels that allow nutrients and oxygen from the blood to diffuse into surrounding tissues.


  1. "Clinically Oriented Anatomy" Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2013)
  2. "Atlas of Human Anatomy" Saunders/Elsevier (2014)
  3. "Introduction to the Lymphatic System" National Cancer Institute SEER Training Modules