Lupus nephritis


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Lupus nephritis

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A 33-year-old Hispanic woman comes to the office because of red-colored urine. She first noticed the change in color 2 days ago. Medical history is significant for several years of joint pains. Temperature is 37.0°C (98.6°F), pulse is 80/min, respirations are 20/min, and blood pressure is 155/95 mmHg. Physical examination shows bilateral periorbital edema and ulcerative lesions on the palate. Laboratory results are as follows:

After further workup, renal biopsy is performed (shown below).

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Which of the following additional findings is most likely to be present in this patient?


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The term ‘lupus’ refers to systemic lupus erythematosus, ‘nephritis’ refers to the ‘nephron,’ the Greek word for kidney, and ‘itis’ means inflammation, so lupus nephritis refers to inflammation of the kidney that results from having systemic lupus erythematosus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks various parts of the body, including the skin, joints, lungs, heart, central nervous system, and, of course, the kidneys.

In fact, about half of all individuals with lupus develop some form of lupus nephritis.

In lupus, what happens is that some cells have their DNA so badly damaged, that the cell undergoes programmed cell death, or apoptosis, and it dies. This produces all these little apoptotic bodies, and exposes the insides of the cell, including parts of the nucleus, like DNA, histones, and other proteins, to the rest of the body.

Now in lupus the immune system is more likely to think that cellular parts are foreign, or antigens, and since they’re from the nucleus, their referred to as nuclear antigens, and immune cells try to attack them.

Not only that though, individuals with lupus have less effective clearance, essentially they aren’t as good at getting rid of the apoptotic bodies and so they end up having more nuclear antigens floating around.

So as a result of all of this, B cells start producing antibodies against these pieces of nucleus, which are called antinuclear antibodies.

These antinuclear antibodies bind to nuclear antigens, forming antigen-antibody complexes, which drift away in the blood and deposit in various places including the kidneys.

These immune complexes can then initiate an inflammatory reaction, which is known as a type III hypersensitivity reaction.

Lupus nephritis is classified into various types depending on the exact site of these immune complexes and subsequent inflammatory reaction. The most common site of deposition is just underneath the capillary wall, also known as the endothelium, but deposits can also be within the Bowman’s space of the nephron, the basement membrane, or near the mesangial cells.