Neurogenic bladder

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Neurogenic bladder
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USMLE® Step 1 style questions USMLE
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Laboratory value | Result |
Glucose | 118 mg/dL |
HbA1c | 6.9% |
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)* | 3.6 ng/ml |
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the patient’s urinary symptoms?
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Neurogenic bladder p. 537, 618
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With neurogenic bladder, neurogenic means arising from the nervous system, so neurogenic bladder is typically some difficulty emptying the bladder normally, as a result of either damage to the peripheral nerves, brain, or spinal cord.
Normally, urine is held in the bladder, which receives urine from two ureters coming down from the kidneys and then that urine leaves the bladder through the urethra.
As urine flows from the kidney, through the ureters and into the bladder, the bladder starts to expand into the abdomen. The bladder is able to expand and contract because it’s wrapped in a muscular layer, called the detrusor muscle, and within that, lining the bladder itself is a layer of transitional epithelium containing “umbrella cells”. These umbrella cells get their name because they physically stretch out as the bladder fills, just like an umbrella opening in slow-motion.
In a grown adult, the bladder can expand to hold about 750ml, slightly less in women than men because the uterus takes up space which crowds out the bladder a bit.
Okay - so when the urine is collecting in the bladder, there are basically two “doors” that are shut, holding that urine in. The first door is the internal sphincter muscle, which is made of smooth muscle and is under involuntary control, meaning that it opens and closes automatically. Typically, the internal sphincter muscle opens up when the bladder is about half full.
Now the second door is the external sphincter muscle, and it’s made of skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control, meaning that it opens and closes when a person wants it to. This is the reason that it’s possible to stop urine mid-stream by tightening up that muscle, which is called doing kegel exercises. Once urine has passed through the external sphincter muscle, it exits the body, in women the exit is immediate and in men the urine flows through the penis before it exits.
So, when specialized nerves called stretch receptors in the bladder wall sense that the bladder is about half full, they send impulses to the spinal cord, specifically the sacral spinal cord at levels S2 and S3, known as the micturition center, and the brain, specifically two locations in the pons—the pontine storage center and pontine micturition center.
Neurogenic bladder is a type of bladder dysfunction that is caused by damage to the nerves related to the bladder control. It is characterized by difficulty emptying the bladder normally, as a result of either damage to the peripheral nerves, brain, or spinal cord.
Neurogenic bladder can occur as a result of various conditions, such as spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes. Related bladder dysfunctions could be overflow incontinence, where the bladder fills up to capacity and then dribbles out of the urethra, or urge incontinence, where an individual feels frequent urges to urinate.