Hi, here's what students at Windsor University have been up to on Osmosis:
The data below is from the past 12 months
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Students Love Osmosis at Windsor
Read a few reviews to find out why!
"I like how structured Osmosis is and that it makes accessing information and questions on certain topics fast and easy! Osmosis has helped me improve substantially in Pathology- the videos and questions are great and they make learning more enjoyable. I believe Osmosis is more immersive with respect to learning in comparison to other study resources I've used. I'm better at visual learning so I prefer watching videos over reading, and Osmosis facilitates that!"

Chad Moe
"I'm impressed with the material provided by Osmosis."
Athena Coleman
"I love the repetition and personalization of the questions. I love the app and use Osmosis frequently on my cellphone. I also started using Picmonic as a result of Osmosis. I found it to be pretty helpful but not as much as Osmosis."
Michelle Ramos
"Osmosis has a unique way of tapping into a person's brain. Osmosis has a different way of teaching that allows information to stick with you. The Osmosis made videos are excellent and that is definitely the reason that I signed up! I also love the questions, the website layout, and the flashcards."
Shahzeb Ahmed