How to Create Community and Connection in Healthcare: An Osmosis Health Leadership Initiative Webinar
May 23, 2024
Past Event
Connect and engage with future healthcare leaders through the Osmosis Health Leadership Initiative (OHLI)! Aspiring medical, nursing, and health professionals will share their transformative experiences as OHLI members, including how it's enriched their professional growth, enhanced their clinical skills, and deepened their commitment to compassionate patient care.

Amazing and we are also going to start right off with a poll here we want to see what your current field of study is if you can take time it should pop up on your screen. We also if you would love to hear where you're calling in from where are you located to school amazing looks like we have a mixture of medical nursing dentistry. We had a couple who put other if you could also add in the chat what other you are we would love to hear so we're going to go get ahead and get started here my name is Caroline lucky. I am the community manager here at osmosis. I'm from Boulder Colorado I've been with osmosis for four years and just recently came on fulltime to the community I've always been involved with the community but officially Community manager as of January and super excited to be with you guys hello everyone thank you for joining I'm Vini Pereira. I'm a final year medical student here at in Argentina but I'm actually from Brazil and this is my second semester here at osmosis and I now currently serve as Team Tarsus' Regional lead. I think you're on mute there you're right Master hi everyone sorry for the mic issues this is Nuran from Anar University Turkey I am a third year medical student and also this is my third semester in the community I am the regional lead for team radius and it's a pleasure to be here with you today all righty so from first year students to International Medical graduates from attending physicians to nurse practitioners and even Pas from patients their families to their friends everyone who uses our platforms cares for someone and that is why we aim to empower clinicians and caregivers with the best learning experience possible that is our mission next slide please and from Innovative and friendly videos to our mobile app and web platform every decision that we make and we take there and Beyond is inspired by our values as you guys can see here we always start with the heart truly caring for one another we always go ahead and try to spread Joy we're always trying to reach further and imagine more so that you guys and every clinician can get the best earning experience possible as we just said and we always have each other's Backs from a little you can do this to offering a helping hand and we always do all of these things with open arms and speaking of empowering clinician this is exactly why we are here we want this is why we're doing this community we want to grow engage and develop a team of as most student leaders to help Advance our mission of Empower future clinicians okay now that you've heard a little bit about our mission and values of the program I just want to run through the program requirements for the OES so each semester you are expected to attend four monthly meetings and these meetings all provide program updates networking opportunities and professional development in a second I'll have Nuran share some of her favorites but afterwards you'll complete four surveys they're released after each monthly meeting to collect your feedback on the community how we're doing but also give Pro feedback to product so you can firsthand speak with the product team about what you like don't like about osmosis what you'd love to see added and the product team really takes that and reviews it you'll host one event per semester and I know that's kind of vague so Vinnie and Nuran will go in a little bit later about these events you're hosting refer 15 students if you're already a osmosis learner you'll know that you have a unique referral code within osmosis that you can share so we this semester we did a fun little Bingo to see how you could most creatively share out your unique referral link to refer 15 students so that was super fun for the students and then then also engage in heartbeat is our communication platform very similar to slack or Discord just get in there talk we're just asking for weekly engagement but of course you can be in there as much as you want in addition to the requirements we also recommend that you complete monthly challenges so like I said they give a little challenge that just ended in April and Nuran is also going to go into these in a little bit more detail but we have theme challenges every single month that promote professional and personal growth including our well-known hackathon if you've heard about our program before you'll have heard about the hackathon it's pretty awesome opportunity and it's a team event for innovative ideas in healthcare so these are our recommendations once completed you're eligible for some rewards certificates of completion re Regional lead eligibility which both of our panelists today are Regional leads so they've worked their way up so yeah as we go along please feel free to drop any questions in the chat we can either save them for the end or we can cover them as needed all righty and since we just saw student leaders have to host at least one event per semester and since I'm part of the event extraordinary team within our community I figure out give you guys a quick rundown of what these events are since we're all students here the goal is to bring as many people on board as you possibly can I mean if you're an oi you already love the platform and we want you to embody the values that I just mentioned you want to spread joy and have your colleagues back you want to share the love and spread the love so you want to show your colleagues on campus why is Moses is such a great learning platform so your study bud is how you've been doing so well in your shelf exams lately and you can host these events in a variety of different ways you remember and remember this that you can do these events either in person or you can do them via Zoom or a Google meet and what can these events be you can do study sessions for upcoming exams with your Study Buddies as you guys can see in the slides here or even in the classroom doing a trivia night or an info session of an osmosis ? within the platform like showing the resources the videos the schedule and so much more things that we have but you can also do these events in person next slide please as we can see there are great events with lots of turnouts with lots of people as you guys can see they get around campus and you just either spread the platform or can do something not so academically related we can we must remember that mental health is important so you can do wellness events like self-care activities within like drawing meditation these are usually in person or you can do volunteering projects like myself like I did when I was in Oli I did a volunteer project talking about hypertension to patients so you can get as creative as you can I will jump in here yeah I'll jump in real fast we're going to show this quick video so as part of the hackathon this past semester a team of our students took on a how we could better promote on social media our program and learn more so this is Valentina she's a fourth year medical student at University of Columbia and she actually made this video of what it looks like to attend a monthly meeting so we're just going to play this for you it's a super fun little video do you remember when ... love was changing mind while ?Music? chasing singing as we dance in the night remember the stars back away ?Music? yeah so as you can see our monthly meetings they're fun they're exciting we host two every month to cover different time zones so we would love to have you come join our next meeting, I'll pass it back to you. As you know this video was great and we can continue to the next slide with the hack challenge as I mentioned we have some additional events which you can participate in rather than the core requirements we have monthly challenges for example hackathon is normally an event type where groups of people gathered to work on a problem to solve it in an Innovative way in our case we give it one month and we get the chance to brainstorm listen to each other and network meanwhile and we have the chance to put a great work together we can go to next slide as an example we also have the professional push challenge where you can improve your skills and your Professional Profile through LinkedIn or by submitting a blog or improving your resume you also have some other challenges like accountability challenge which is the great greatest way to kick off the semester with an intern friend to keep the contact with them and set goals together keep up keep up with them and keep yourself accountable we can go to the next slide and speaking of talking with International partners and we have a whole lot of different opportunities where we can grow and connect within our community you get the chance to meet people and catch up with what's going on within our program with our awesome newsletter Parsa has created and curated a fun newsletter where you get to learn about everything that's going on within our programs all while sharing a laugh because they have like an excellent meme section and you can participate in this and just go ahead and type things out and just get to know Folks by sharing this newsletter or you can help us host webinars as Nuran and myself are doing right now you can participate in these different types of events but if you're not into the public speaking part of it all we can go to the next slide and you guys will see that we're able to also participate in blog posts currently our students are leading the charts for the osmosis blogs you get if you prefer writing in general you get the chance to work with Stephanie and create a variety of blog topics and get featured on your page get published in Theos Blog page amazing excuse me so now that Nuran and Vinnie kind of broke down what's within the program I just wanted to run through the program timeline let's discuss this we finished the spring semester 2024 just last month technically beginning of this month so now we're on summer break from May till July so what summer break looks like for us is we're recruiting for fall of 2024 so hopefully some of you are ready to join the next semester we also the team will make Focus on recruiting and any necessary project updates so the next semester will kick off August of 2024 and then wrap up in November we also are I was gonna say yeah summer break kickoff and fall we're recruiting until June 30th and then if you do apply you will hear from us by mid-July and then I just wanted to talk about our program expansion so some of you may already be familiar with our program shiv and Ryan created osmosis while they were medical students at John Hopkins they strongly believe in listening to the customers which led to the launch of the osmosis medical education fellowship or OMEF which is most widely heard of with osmosis this was in 2018 and it was initially launched because the content was very medically focused well through the years we've expanded our content and we introduced content for nursing which had a which then we expanded the program to the osmosis nursing student ambassadors or ONSAs you also may have heard of them but now that we are part of the Elsevier family we've been able to expand our content even further which then had us launch our OHLI program osmosis Health leadership initiative and these cover PA Dental pharmacology any other medical field that is not in U medical or nursing so after we launched three programs we are small team and scaling and focusing on three separate programs was challenging so as of 2024 we are officially the osmosis Health leadership initiative merging OMEFs and ONSAs into this one program so instead of fellows and ambassadors moving forward we're going to be OES or student leaders which is just such an exciting thing I think it's a great moving forward we're more inclusive and we are still going to be broken down by your specialty so you don't have to worry about that you'll be a medical leader a nursing leader enter your field leader so then I can just run through some 2024 spring stats for you we had 204 students from 51 countries complete the program this past semester our referral program that we mentioned before brought in over 4,000 new users to osmosis which is a huge deal for us we're super excited about that and as you can see on the graph we are still categorizing here by OMEFs and ONSAs and OHLI but next semester you'll see it broken down by medical leader nursing leader and general leaders we had 178 OMEFs, 20 ONSAs, and six OES so we're very excited about last semester so just to reiterate moving forward we are the OHLI program and the student leaders and you will be identified and recognized as a leader in your specialty during the program so why should you become an MF from my eyes it's a great way to network with your International friends future colleagues the Future Leaders of the Health Care system and learn grow Inspire with them get inspired this is the community where I had the chance to meet people I call my role models this is a place where you can create impact and you can serve as a student Le leader at your campus this is the place where you can feel the joy and start spreading the joy to your daily life to your close rounds and this is the place where you can reach further this is why you should become an OHLI Vinnie do you have any thought on why everyone should be coming only totally I think Nuran greatly covered hug aspects but I think that mostly the networking and getting inspired by people who maybe are pursuing the same path as you are I know for sure I get inspired daily by the other Oli that are pursuing residency in the United States I'm doing so myself and you know you can always get a study buy and we are always sharing resources and saying hey you should try to use our schedule it works great and as Nur beautifully mentioned I myself had found some role models to being inspired and just try to reach further and be the best version of myself all while you know serving my community at my campus by sharing the referral links and people getting on board and using this awesome platform that makes learning so much easier you know that Healthcare Sciences are tough concepts are really tough but I can assure you that with osmosis that that is so much easier this is a place where it will grow in your part and also if you are not a native speaker it would keep your English brushed up to 100% amazing so like we said we're currently taking applications for the fall 2024 semester now until June 30th this QR code should take you right to that application you can also go to and you'll find the application there and in the meantime we are going to go ahead and open it up to the questions and answers I'm going to start it off with a question that was pre-submitted right now and then you guys can drop yours in the chat so Vinnie and Nuran if each of you let me just find our pre-submitted questions how does the community support collaboration and knowledge sharing among its members oh I think that that is a great question honestly at least for my end I have the privilege of working with my ? buddies and we're always sharing different we're I had the great luck of being paired up with folks who are interested in cardiology as well and I was I am interested in cardiology and we're all I think was the first group that that I had in the buddies we were always sharing like hey this paper just came out this paper just came out this is a great topic what do you think about cardiac Amid ? and I we ended up getting together and starting a paper on it so I think that that is a beautiful aspect of it just getting with your buddies and talking about what's new in certain topics besides the co collaboration this community also helps to improve and grow yourself for example at the monthly meetings we usually have some guest speakers which talk about for example time management and mental health things like how to do research so it's the perfect place to grow and improve yourself and speaking of personal growth one thing that I love about our monthly meetings the little breakout rooms that where we get the chance to interact is the beauty of this community I'm from South America and I end up learning so much about different cultures from all around the world even from little things as time management is different in some schools or food or the time schedules that people run on this little interactions are like really a joy to learn about different cultures amazing and it looks like for some reason our chat was disabled so I I'm sorry about that we fixed it but we did have some Q?As come through in that so one of the ones is it important or required to have had a osmosis Prime account to apply it's not required is it?s highly suggested yes but if this is something where you maybe financially can't do osmosis prime or some other opportunities or some other reasons you are more than welcome to apply if you are still passionate about osmosis that's what really matters so not a full a full hard requirement there let's see there's a couple questions about joining if you're a graduate we don't know normally accept graduates what I will say is there might in the future be a residents and clinicians program coming for people who have graduated medical school I think my best advice if you're a graduate would be to email us at and get on our alumni list even if you're not an alumni to the program we would love to send you our emails so you can keep up with the program and see updates that are going on and then if we do and when we do launch any future programs fingers crossed that we can get you added to those so again email us at o and we can keep you updated and if we do decide to admit more some graduates to our program we can definitely keep you in mind as well let's see here's another pre can you share any success stories or testimonials from current members about how the community has positively impacted their studies so maybe Nuran and Vinnie maybe you guys have a story of maybe an exam that it just helped you pass or just School in general has helped you and then I can pull some other testimonials sure at least my first experience with osmosis when I was back when I was a learner early Learner in med school was my second year my first semester of my second year I heard of osmosis and decided to join and I ended up prepping I would say 95% of my Immunology final with osmosis and I ended up having the highest Mark to the point that as of right now I'm an teaching assistant in Immunology so I think that speaks of how great the platform is for learning because in the beginning Immunology for me was such a difficult topic with all the lymphocytes and T positive T negative selection and honestly it explains in such an easy way vdj recombination was a whole thing that I was banging my head against the wall and the way that the videos explain them as matching outfits made it so easy to understand I ended up having a great grade and then becoming an Immunology ta at my University so for me that was one of the biggest success stories in the beginning but as of a more recent one within our community because of this great networking experiences I met some great people from Colombia Andre Sao is a great guy a friend I'm probably going to call my friend Valen is here hi Valen and we ended up talking and he helped me out with a research project and we ended we ended up getting that published in the European Society of Cardiology so I think that's a huge success as well so my story about the platform I met o Mones last year and it helped me like have the have a really great score from my neurology Community Committee with giving only the time half of the time I gave to my other Comm committee exams so it's a great way to study like save your time which is the most precious Treasure of ours these days and also the community again allows us to collaborate and work on projects together everyone shares the opportunities they see on the platform and this is a way to also improve and have the success amazing sorry I have a little bit of dog background noise as the doorbell just rang but I know I've had multiple students reach out who joined osmosis later in their medical Journey and they just would always say a couple people that failed an exam the first time and then the next time went on using osmosis to get very high scores so definitely look out as you can see on this slide right here these testimonials we're pulling more and more of these testimonials to share on our social media so that's a big thing if you can like our LinkedIn Facebook all of that you'll see more and more of these testimonials going out let me just here I see can final year Med students apply yeah I would I would go ahead and apply if you're still in med school I think it's great a lot of people love just that they have this on their resume that they have the OHLI community there's so many opportunities outside of the requirements for the program we call them but even then you're learning and you're growing from those there's things like these webinars Vinnie and Nuran just stepped up when we asked for two volunteers to help us out this is great it'll be recorded it'll be put on social media like we're super grateful for that we're also working with the marketing team to plan a whole new webinar series for the fall 2024 semester I don't want to give too much away as we're still in the planning stages but there's going to be a big chance to help out in the fall with some other webinars which we're really excited about and then the blogs we used to be really big and do a lot of blogs but then the OES and back then OMEFs and ONSAs wrote so many amazing blogs there was a little bit of a backlog but we are bringing those back officially next semester so if you are someone who writes and is passionate about a certain topic we definitely would love for you to join and write some blogs for us so yeah as long as you're in med school you can apply and then hopefully by the time you're done we would then move you on to a future program oh and we have Valentina here so the video that I showed I'm sure you can see in the chat so she yeah she's just asking wanted to ask how first year health students increase chances of getting accepted to build their CV in such a short time or if they can get accepted even though they have a short CV so to speak I think one of the big things and I think Vinnie and n and you guys were here for the last professional push when we help you guys build your CV some of our students had never heard of LinkedIn and we helped them build a link Lin profile and now they have over 500 connections it's just amazing what we do within the program I don't know Nur and Vinnie if you want to speak to our professional push challenge well I think it was one of my favorites last semester getting that LinkedIn recommendation letter it just looks great and plus osmosis in general looks great on a resume whenever you're with your teachers or at least in my case I'm with doctors and they ask my CV I just I show them they're like oh wait you work for you're with osmosis how's that about and you just get to talking and it is a great tool because on one end you Stand Out Among your colleagues maybe if you're an oi you will definitely stand out and then the other thing is a networking opportunity that you end up getting you know Caroline just mentioned over 500 connections and at least in my experience as medical students we don't have a lot of exposure to LinkedIn and all this professional parts of life I certainly have friends in other fields like engineering and T it and so on and so forth who have beautiful LinkedIn and when I joined the network I was like okay how am I supposed to use this since we like doing clerkships and clinical rotations and then thankfully the professional push came along and we're were all like building our resumes and building our LinkedIn and just posting so for me it was a Turning Page so to speak where I definitely up stepped up my LinkedIn game and as of right now I'm pretty happy what came out of it I definitely agree with Winnie that's very well said okay I'm just gonna we had a couple people join late who are just reasing about the requirements for the program and the application so for the application we just ask that you are currently in school Med nursing and when we say Med do o MD when we say nursing RN NP pharmacology Dental OT PT pa in school and in good standings at your school I think Alfred's probably yeah Alfred has dropped the application in the chat so you can open it up there and you can see all the requirements as an application for being an application an applicant and then as far as within the program you will then attend the four monthly Sur monthly meetings I talked about earlier complete more four monthly surveys host one event and then all of these challenges we're talking about the hackathon the give the give a little the professional push those are more of an optional thing but greatly beneficial so that's where we're at for that and how can an African Dental student benefit from the program I think you'll benefit just like everyone else has benefited it's pretty amazing yeah do we have any more I have one more one more pre-submitted question if you guys want to drop any more questions in the chat I kind of just covered this one though but Nuran and Vinnie since the ones that actually went through the program what kind of involvement or participation is expected from community members and maybe you can talk in regards to like hourly commitment or what does the commitment look like while you're doing your studies because I think that's a big thing that's a big scare at least for me whenever we I know we're in the application you have certain hours required but whenever I speak with my students sorry with my old eyes whenever we talk about this okay how can we keep engaging I tell them have it on like as if you were using a different social media where you get to the benefit of learning as well certainly I always recommend them like get a spare two hours on a Friday or just to go through everything or even one hour if you're busy studying but get a spare time an hour slot two hour slots to go through heartbeat and scroll through and see what's happening but then honestly you know we always get so many Twitter notifications Instagram notifications and whenever they come up we just click leave your heartbeat notifications on whenever something cool comes up that gets your attention and catches your eye drop in drop a comment it it's certainly doable I mean I've my bit at least in my school the business year is the fifth year and I managed to have a great like commitment to it and I think one of the beautiful parts of it is that it depends on you on you and yourself only like if you really like this you will pour your heart into it and like you'll find it so amazing to chat with people to connect that your requirement will just be a breeze to go through you know it is you get lost you lose track of time whenever you're having fun and heartbeat is so fun that you will definitely lose track of time and it won't be an issue I also believe that it's not something that you will feel like you have to do or you have to engage within the community it will become something that you enjoy and it will become something that you do for yourself so it's like the rest it's like the fun part of the week you will definitely be looking forward to our community meetings I know I always am like I circling on the calendar oh we'll get to hear some great things we'll left with Alfred and we'll left with everyone enjoy the breakout rooms it is honestly it's a great time okay first of all I just want to call out some of our current OES are in the chat so add some more great things about the program what is your favorite thing about program what was your favorite thing about this last semester and we did I just have another question do you guys provide a letter of wreck or certificate that you can mention your CV yes so earlier in the slides and not sure if we can share these slides out but earlier I mentioned there's the requirement column and then there's the recommended column if you complete the required column you're going to get that certificate of completion can go on your CV good to go if you go out of your way and go above and beyond and complete the recommended column then you can get a letter of recommendation or a LinkedIn recommendation whatever one you prefer so if beneficial I can definitely go back to that slide and we can talk about it some more yeah that is the questions we have for now I don't know I want to give it a couple more minutes we do have a little bit longer time I also dropped my LinkedIn in the channel or in the chat so feel free to add me you can message me with any follow-up questions you can email the O at but I'll give it a couple more minutes for some more questions to drop in here I don't I don't know if Nuran and Vinnie you can think of anything on the spot too okay someone ask so yeah go ahead and I'll pull that slide back up what is the acceptance phase for the program and how can we Stand Out Among the applicants as first year medical students I don't know about the first part of the question but certainly among the second part of the question I was worried when I dropped my CV as I just talked to you guys as medical students we usually don't have like a big CV and much less so in the earlier years so if you are a first year medical student second year medical student you can at least that is my P perspective of it one of the things that that is required you have to drop a little video sort of presenting yourself and I think that is a great selling point you know just present yourself with your future goals and what is it that you want to get from the program I'm sure if you're here and you're already interest in pursuing the program you have that passion within you and I'm sure you do great you don't have to worry about being a first gen medical student at least in my experience I was worried I was like okay I'll drop this and let's see how it goes and it went great so just be yourself share your goals and you'll be all right yeah the biggest thing for us is we want to know like why you want to why you want to join the program how did you hear about the program the video piece is huge for us I mean we're a company based around videos that's how we all started so we love to hear your video we love to hear firsthand from you what you want out of the program and yeah so I pulled up our requirements again for you guys to see so here's our required per semester attend those four monthly meetings we were talking about and if you miss that they're just once a month during an active semester and we do host two at a at a time over different time zone so you only have to attend one afterwards we released that monthly survey we were talking about and we do actually as a team go to the osmosis core team and ask them what they want to know from our OES especially in regards to product so you can give some firsthand product feedback host one event per semester Vinnie covered the events refer 15 students using that unique referral code within your osmosis account and engage in heartbeat which is our platform we use instead of slack and we ask you to just kind of be in there weekly you can obviously be in there as much as you want but just be checking in there that's where your Regional lead would reach out to you that's where we me and Alfred and Omar other team mate are posting updates if you complete these you're eligible for some rewards certificate of completion and some free osmosis then if we move on to our monthly challenges excuse me you'll see the hackathon which we just did we only do the hackathon once a year so we do that in the fall the professional push what other ones do we have we have a wellness challenge the give a little challenge every month has a different theme with a challenge with it Recruit new Learners to the platform and facilitate a university introduction if you're able to do this you can get a letter of wreck or a a LinkedIn recommendation there's some mentor ship opportunities that we've been building and then that would push you into Regional lead eligibility as well so these are our requirements and I'm going to skim the chat because I saw some more questions come through I don't know if anyone else was able to read them while I was talking think lots of them were about requirements so we should be good current only asking me if you can share about this experience in the program yeah unfortunately because it's a webinar we can't like have you come on and talk just the way it you just type it's in the chat yeah if you can just type it in the chat that'd be great feel free to drop your LinkedIn as well and everyone can connect with you practices from all departments yeah if you can pretty much if you can if you use osmosis successfully I mean we have we just had Shaba she's a student out of the UAE actually joined a live panel with our osmosis team on Monday it was super great she's a pharmacy student and the product team really wanted to know like there's not a t there's not a whole ton you know there's not like a pharmacy big build out of content yet but she was able to explain to us how she uses the content within osmosis so if you are able to successfully use osmosis to help you study in whatever department or practice you're in we would love the diversity of practices I think it's great the key around it is that you are actively using osmosis and actively spreading the word of Osmosis which is also cool if you the Shaba the pharmacy student is now able to share all with her pharmacology students the best way to use osmosis to study so that's been that's been a really amazing thing to watch and speaking of this Marlene dropped earlier in the chat that she's a graduate from UC Davis in California uses the platform material to share with colleagues and patience and I think this just goes beautifully if you're sharing among your colleagues and I certainly I know I'm MD but I certainly did last semester when I hosted my event I ended up sharing with my colleagues who are NPS and MDES but we were talking about hypertension before giving a talk to patients so as long as you're sharing the word either with your colleagues or even to your patients or whoever it is it whoever it is that you're treating it works wonderfully you know and again I'm going through this but the videos are so nicely done and easily explained that even if you're not in the healthcare science the hard Sciences of it or even if it is a little bit out of your scope you will get an understanding because they're digested and the fun little images and diagrams make it better to comprehend these Concepts so yeah sharing with your among your colleagues is a great way I see another one I'm a first year Z student am I eligible yes let me let you in on a little a little secret maybe I'm not supposed to share but we do really look at those first and second year students first mainly because we want you to join the program and stay in the program we actually Omar and Greta who not sure if they're watching as participants today but they weren't able to join as panelists they started as OMEFs when we were the OMEF program they went on to become Regional leads and now they're both Community Specialists on the team with Alfred and I and so they help scale plan grow the whole program and they just started as OMEFs so it's yeah Valentina just put in there helped develop your leadership skills I think it really helps you are you're technically a student leader on your campus so yeah we kind of look at those first and second year students closely because we would love for you to join and stay for a long time and as far as acceptance rate it depends every semester and especially because now so we ask if you apply for fall 2024 that you would stay through the following spring semester so till April 2025 course life happens we understand the program might not be a right fit for you no worries so right now we're going through and we're seeing which previous students want to stay in the program and we will admit them for fall and then we will know kind of how many we're going to ex to take for fall so there's not really a number every semester that we accept it's really based on how many students are planning to continue with us we're for some reason this semester I mean I should have expected it was coming we're having a lot of students graduate so that's been hard to see them moving on from the program as they go on to their different new chapters developing leadership skills and just being a student leader on campus has been a great part of my experience in no Li at least I know for sure some teachers have come up to me talking about El in general and osmosis and they wanted to learn how to use the platform efficiently because they wanted to include the presentations and maybe Link videos so that students can understand Concepts easier I know I have a pathology teacher who reached out to me and she was like oh hey I saw that near LinkedIn that you're an osmosis medical education fellow I wanted to know how can you help me out like getting osmosis and just I want to make e the topics that I need to explain in an easier fashion and we ended up just like getting the titles of the videos we have in our library putting in their slide in her slides so that she can just direct students oh and if you want to learn more here's an Osmosis video that you can use so you definitely end up making this bridge between your University and osmosis so that is awesome as well just wanted to let you guys in on that also I think I'm going to take this for Ian's testimonial actually it's one of the best experiences in my life that's going to be your testimonial that's great and we've been hearing that a lot lately people have just grown a lot learned a lot so we're super grateful so I'm going to give it like one or two more minutes for any last minute questions before we wrap up yeah Alfred yeah hi thank you very much and thank you to Vinnie and Nur thank you everyone who has joined this webinar I just want to declare just before we wrap up so if you're right now in the chat can you confirm if you've already submitted application so just go ahead and type yes and let us know if not let us know what fear or what sort of phobia you might be having and let's see if we can help you resolve that so that right after this call you go ahead and sub to your we really love to hear from you so make sure you're typing give me a yes if language is a barrier don't be afraid of it because we all get like a great practice out of it I'm not a native English speaker and here I am hosting a webinar for you guys so don't worry about that you you'll get your hours in for sure same with Des this is currently a regional lead on the program and this is based in Mexico but I know that from our conversation de has were really strong in terms of communicating so yeah please don't let that restrict you David I can see you're sharing your LinkedIn link but let me know if you submitted an application yet same thing with Benjamin so I think Benjamin says we connect soon we would love to read all of those applications one more question would be I'm still expecting folks to drop in the chat one more question would be let us know how you're feeling now versus before you join the webinar so do you think you're more confident now leaving the webinar going out there to P versus when you just joined we really love to see that from you I think we can do that in about two minutes so I can hand over back to Caroline and then we try to wrap up yeah I like that so just drop any last minute comments in the chat but thank you all for coming I will jump in okay just making I'm trying to keep track of the chat yeah I I'm just ? says most definitely so happy to hear that Alena that should definitely encourage to go out there and apply happy to hear yeah Andrew says he's happy to join us an MD PhD alumni yeah another yeah we would love to have you as alumni also another thing we would be looking for if you are a graduate we would love to see if you want to come speak at the program maybe you have something in Medical Healthcare education that you could come and share at our monthly meeting we're always looking for monthly meeting speakers so that's another thing if you are very dedicated to a topic in healthcare you should definitely email us and let us know and we would do the meetings will start in August so August September October November so four months of speaking opportunities and I'm sure our team would love to hear from you so definitely email us let us know yeah amazing well we're going to hop off thank you guys remember email connect on LinkedIn and we hope to see you all in the fall 2024 semester thank you everyone thank you all for joining thank you all so much guys looking forward to seeing you next semester and thank you too Vinnie thank you Nuran so much for joining really appreciate you right yes thank you for all your hard work it's great helping current and future clinicians. Focus, learn, retain
Event recordings

OHLIs Unplugged: Resiliency & Wellness
January 30, 2025

How to Identify the Right Mentor for Your Career
January 9, 2025

Skills That Set You Apart: Becoming A Remarkable Clinician
December 5, 2024

What It Takes to Become a Nurse Practitioner
November 14, 2024

How to Face and Manage Your Anxieties, Fears, and Phobias
October 24, 2024