Sacrum myofascial release



Lumbar and sacral myofascial release

  1. With the patient prone, stand slightly superior to the patient’s iliac crests
  2. Place one hand caudad at the inferior lumbar segments (L4–L5) and the other cephalad at the superior lumbar segments (L1–L2)
  3. Assess motion inferior and superior, left and right, and torsional (clockwise and counterclockwise) to determine position of ease or restriction
  4. Gently stack the tissue in all three planes of motion into the position of ease (indirect) or into the barrier (direct)
  5. Hold the force for 30–60 seconds or until a release is palpated


Sacrum myofascial release (SMR) is a form of manual therapy that aims to release tension and restrictions in the fascia, or connective tissue, surrounding the sacrum. The fascia can become tight and restricted due to injury, trauma, or chronic postural imbalances. The therapist applies sustained pressure to specific points on the sacral fascia using their hands or tools such as a foam roller. This technique can help to soften and stretch the fascia, releasing tension and pain, and improving overall function and mobility in the sacral region.