Taking a good patient history


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Taking a good patient history is an essential part of the diagnostic process and involves gathering information about a patient's past and current health status, as well as other relevant information. In addition to the classic steps of history taking, here are a few extra tips for taking a patient history that really stands out: Listen well and empathize: You need to build a rapport with the patient by being friendly, empathetic, and non-judgmental. You also have to be an active listener and ask open-ended questions, but keep questions to a minimum. Summarize: You need to reflect and summarize what the patient just told you, to ensure that you have understood their concerns and have not missed any important details. This does not apply only to what the patient is telling, but also more importantly, to their data. Ideas, Concerns, and Expectations (ICE). You need to understand what the patient thinks about their conditions, their major concerns, and what they expect from you.