John Keller’s ARCS model
Content is served in a way that gains students’ Attention, ensuring that content is Relevant and timely, building student Confidence, and ensuring student Satisfaction with their learning through feedback and reinforcement.Dick & Carey’s cognitive information processing model
Understanding that learning and behavior is guided by mental processes, Osmosis’s e-learning tools organize instruction, and guide and support learning.Gagne’s Nine Steps of Delivering Instruction and Ericsson’s Deliberate Practice model
Osmosis encourages frequent interaction with learning concepts, and provide students with immediate feedback and assessment allowing students to identify a skill to learn, engage in focused practice through Q&A or flashcard use, and receive immediate feedback on performanceClark & Mayer’s contiguity, modality, redundancy, coherence, and personalization principles
Our videos follow established multimedia design principles to enhance e-learning and reduce cognitive load by presenting content and learning in “chunks” to promote the development of schemas. This method moves concepts into long-term memory more efficiently and better links them with existing knowledge.

Other learning strategies
Osmosis videos connect medical facts to real-world patient scenarios, making learning relevant.
Practice with board-style Q&A improves student performance on exam day thanks to the testing effect (also known as test-enhanced learning and retrieval practice).
Spaced repetition through regular use of Osmosis flashcards enhances long-term memory and improves recall--important not just to exam performance, but to clinical practice.

Peer-reviewed manuscripts
Gaglani SM, Haynes MR. What can medical education learn from Facebook and Netflix? Annals of Internal Medicine. 2014 May 6;160(9):640-1.
Haynes MR, Gaglani SM, Wilcox MV, Mitchell T, DeLeon V, Goldberg H. Learning through Osmosis: A collaborative platform for medical education. Innovations in Global Medical and Health Education. 2014 Oct 1:2.
Theobald J, Gaglani S, Haynes MR. The association between confidence and accuracy among users of a mobile web platform for medical education. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2015 Mar 3;162(5):395-6. doi: 10.7326/L15-5059.
DeFilippis EM, Jaigirdar T, Gaglani SM, Sakumoto M, Punwani V, Desai R, Haynes MR, Painter M. Open Osmosis: Library of Open Educational Resources (OER) for medical education. Innovations in Global Health Professions Education. 2015 Dec 16.
Nanna S, Gaglani S, Tackett S.Harnessing the power of patient videos to enhance social and behavioral sciences education. AMEE MedEd Publish. 2016 Dec 20. (Post-publication peer-review – “Recommended” article)
Menon A, Gaglani S, Haynes MR, Tackett S. Using “big data” to guide implementation of a web and mobile adaptive learning platform for medical students. Medical Teacher. 2017 Sep;39(9):975-980.
Tackett S, Gaglani S, Heilman J, Azzam A.The reCAPTCHA of medical education. Medical Teacher. 2018 Apr 22:1-3.
Tackett S, Raymond R, Desai R, Haist SA, Morales A, Gaglani S, Clyman S. Crowdsourcing for assessment items to support adaptive learning. Medical Teacher. 2018 Aug;40(8):838-841.
Tackett S, Wright SM, Quirk M. Adaptive medical education research. Medical Teacher. 2018 Aug 3;40(8):783-5.
Tackett S, Slinn K, Marshall T, Gaglani S, Waldman V, Desai R. Medical education videos for the world: an analysis of viewing patterns for a YouTube channel. Academic Medicine. 2018 Aug;93(8):1150-1156.
Hudder A, Tackett S, Moscatello K. First-year experience implementing an adaptive learning platform for first and second year medical students at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2019 Jan 1;119(1):51-58.
Joshi M, Verduzco R, Yogi S, Garcia M, Saxena S, Tackett S, Dexter N, Dempsey A, Whitaker E, Azzam A. Wikipedia Editing Courses at Three US Medical Schools in the 2017-2018 Academic Year. MedEdPublish. 2019 Jul 3;8.
Kouba L, Amin B, Azzam A. Online education opportunity for Syria's future doctors. A helping hand in the shadows of war. Lancet. In Press.
Gaglani M, Topol E. iMedEd: The Role of Mobile Health Technologies in Medical Education. US National Library of Medicine. 2014 Sep; 89(9): 1207-1209.
Maggipinto S, Chen A, Huynh D, Heutlinger O, Eberenz K, Mallick S, Marshall T, Desai R, Wolbrink T. Free, online videos for distance learning in medical genetics. Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection. 2020 Jun 12; 63(9): 103983.
Morandini A, Ramos E, Meixun J, Desai R. Embracing video production as a powerful tool in dental education. 2020 Jun 07.
Schooley S, Tackett S, Peraza L, Shehadeh L. Development and piloting of an instructional video quality checklist (IVQC). 2021 Oct 19.
Tackett S, Green D, Dyal M, O’Keefe E, Thomas T, Nguyen T, Vo D, Patel M, Murdock C, Wolfe E, Shehadeh L. Use of Commercially Produced Medical Education Videos in a Cardiovascular Curriculum: Multiple Cohort Study. 2021;7(4):e27441.
Zheng M, O'Brien K, Cuenin K, Lyon C, Bender D. Impact of test-enhanced learning as a study strategy: An exploratory study with first-year dental students. J Dent Educ. 2022 Dec;86(12):1611-1619. doi: 10.1002/jdd.13066. Epub 2022 Aug 10. PMID: 35946422.
Tharalson, E., Morgan, M., Ilchak, D., Sebbens, D., Shurson,L. Innovative Digital Pedagogy: Adaptive Learning Platform Integration in Nurse Practitioner Curriculum, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, Volume 19, Issue 10, 2023, 104773, ISSN 1555-4155, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2023.104773.
- Zheng, M., Cuenin, K., Lyon, C. et al. An Exploratory Study of Dental Students’ Use of Whiteboard Animated Videos as Supplementary Learning Resources in Basic Sciences. TechTrends (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-023-00875-5
Osmosis supports Health Professions Educators
Looking for ways to boost student engagement and save faculty time?
National and international conference presentations
Azzam A, Gaglani SM, Heminway J, Haynes MR, Desai R. Learning by Osmosis: Can student created content and a spaced-repetition formative assessment technology augment a collaborative student-driven curriculum? AMEE Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 2016.
Lineberry M, Kibble J, Khan A, Kamin C, Gaglani SM, Haynes MR, Riordan A, Dauner S, Lorens D, Gangopadhyaya A, Rajagopal N. Making it stick: Initial implementation of an intelligent study system for adaptive learning and enduring mastery in two medical schools. AAMC Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 2016.
Tackett S, Gaglani S, Slinn K, Haynes MR, Marshall T, Desai R. Open Osmosis: Promoting the Global Diffusion of Open Education Resources. Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Conference Washington D.C., April 2017 and AMEE 2017, Helsinki, Finland, August 2017.
Gaglani S, Tackett S. Knowing the person the disease has: harnessing the power of patient videos to humanize medical school classrooms. Stanford Medicine X, Stanford, CA, April 2017.
Hudder A, Moscatello K, Tackett S. Investigating Adoption of a New Technology in Medical Education. APHMG Annual Workshop, Clearwater FL, May 2017.
Gaglani S, Desai R. Organizing and contextualizing the world's medical knowledge. MedBiquitous Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2017.
Linsenmeyer M, Tackett S. Study of mechanisms to foster self-regulated learning in first and second year medical students. IAMSE Annual Meeting, Burlington, VT, June 2017.
Haynes MR, Menon A, Gaglani S, Tackett S. Using “Big Data” to Guide Implementation of Osmosis, a Web and Mobile Adaptive Learning Platform for Medical Students. AMEE 2017, Helsinki, Finland, August 2017.
Tackett S, Desai R, Heminway J, Haynes MR, Azzam A. Learning by Osmosis: Leveraging crowdsourcing and student created content in a spaced-repetition formative assessment platform. AMEE 2017, Helsinki, Finland, August 2017.
Grichanik M, Tackett S, Richards M, Shannon T, Leven R, Gaglani S, Desai R. Academic-Industry partnerships for medical education: the development of the Rush Medical College - Osmosis partnership. AMA ChangeMedEd, Chicago, September 2017.
Gaglani S, Desai R, Marshall T, Tackett S, Holtzman K, Swanson D. Teaching the world to write great assessment questions for the health professions. ABMS Conference 2017, Chicago, September 2017.
Tisel S, Rieman A, Hodges M, Desai R, Haynes MR, Gwathmey K. Clinics as classrooms: assessing patient knowledge and satisfaction following stroke video education. AAN 70th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, April 2018.
Tackett S, Hudder A, Lineberry M, Moscatello K. Medical students’ achievement emotions and preferences for testing among supplemental study resources. AMEE 2018, Basel, Switzerland, August 2018.
Tackett S, Desai R, Haist S, Gaglani S, Morales A, Raymond R. Crowd-sourcing for assessment items to support adaptive learning. AMEE 2018, Basel, Switzerland, August 2018.
Shehadeh L, Schooley S, Tackett S. Development of an Educational Video Assessment Scale. AMEE 2019, Vienna, Austria, August 2019.
Tackett S, Menon A, Gaglani S. Student use of resources to prepare for USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX Level 1 Licensing Exams. AMEE 2019, Vienna, Austria, August 2019 and AAMC 2019, Phoenix, November 2019.
Schooley S, Tackett S, Peraza L, Shehadeh L. Development of a Quality Assessment Scale for Educational Videos for Use in Undergraduate Medical Education. AAMC 2019, Phoenix, November 2019.
National and international conference symposia and workshops
Hunsaker M, Gaglani SM. Enhancing learning efficiency to “free-up” time for concepts in Social Accountability. Beyond Flexner Conference, Miami, Fl. September 2016
Quirk M, Cutrer W, Pusic M, Gaglani S. Features of an Adaptive Learning Curriculum for Medical Education. AMEE 2017, Helsinki, Finland, August 2017.
Tackett S, Speicher M, Cisek G, Goode C. Collaboration Opportunities With Electronic Learning Platforms. AACOM and AODME annual conference, Washington DC, April 2018.