General information

Rishi Desai, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Rishi Desai (MD, MPH) is a pediatric infectious disease physician with a public health background who currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer at Osmosis and recently led Khan Academy Medicine. Dr. Desai had an accelerated education, completing high school and receiving his BS in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from UCLA by the age of 18. He completed his medical training at UCSF and went on to work at medical centers including Boston Children's Hospital, Boston Medical Center, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and Stanford University. He earned his MPH in epidemiology at UCLA and then spent two years at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer investigating disease outbreaks before beginning his work in online medical education. As Osmosis’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Desai leads the development of content creation, public outreach, and strategic growth. Osmosis generates open-education videos and questions that are available in multiple languages and serves as a personalized learning engine for over 1 million medical students, clinicians, and caregivers around the world. As a company, Osmosis seeks to empower this population with the best learning experience possible, and Dr. Desai plays a vital role in this mission. When he's not at the park with his 3-year-old son, Rishi is eating raspberries and learning Mandarin.
- Tackett, S., Slinn, K., Marshall, T., Gaglani, S., Waldman, V., & Desai, R. (2018). Medical education videos for the world: An analysis of viewing patterns for a YouTube channel. American Medicine, 93(8), 1150-1156. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002118 Tisel, S., Rieman, A., Hodges, M., Desai, R., Haynes, M., & Gwathmey, K. (2018). Clinics as classrooms: Assessing patient knowledge and satisfaction following stroke video education (P1.007). Neurology, 90(15 ), P1. 007. Baird, F., Desai, R., MacEachern, J., Norton, B., & Slinn, K. (2018). Anatomy & Physiology Essentials. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis. Tackett, S., Gaglani, S., Slinn, K., Marshall, T., Desai, R., & Haynes, M. R. (2017). Open Osmosis: Promoting the global diffusion of open education resources. Annals of Global Health, 83(1), 142-145. doi:10.1016/j.aogh.2017.03.318 Baird, F., Clifford, S., Day, A., Desai, R., Dollar, A., Marshall, T., ... Xiao, Y. (2017). Psychological Disorders. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis. Baird, F., Desai, R., Marshall, T., & Slinn, K. (2017). Electrocardiography Essentials (1.02 ed.). Baltimore, MD: Osmosis. Baird, F., Day, A., Desai, R., Marshall, T., Slinn, K., & Waldman, V. (2017). Renal Pathology (1.02 ed.). Baltimore, MD: Osmosis. Gastañaduy, P. A., Contreras-Roldán, I., Bernart, C., López, B., Benoit, S. R., Xuya, M., ... McCracken, J. P. (2016). Effectiveness of monovalent and pentavalent rotavirus vaccines in Guatemala. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 62(2), S121-S126. doi:10.1093/cid/civ1208 DeFilippis, E. M., Jaigirdar, T., Gaglani, S. M., Sakumoto, M., Punwani, V., Desai, R., ... Painter, M. (2015). Open Osmosis: Library of Open Educational Resources (OER) for medical education. Innovations in Global Health Professions Education. doi:10.20421/ighpe2015.3 Esparza-Aguilar, M., Gastañaduy, P. A., Sánchez-Uribe, E., Desai, R., Parashar, U. D., Richardson, V., & Patel, M. (2013). Diarrhoea-related hospitalizations in children before and after implementation of monovalent rotavirus vaccination in Mexico. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(2), 117-125. doi:10.2471/BLT.13.125286 Wikswo, M. E., Desai, R., Edwards, K. M., Staat, M. A., Szilagyi, P. G., Weinberg, G. A., ... Hall, A. J. (2013). Clinical profile of children with norovirus disease in rotavirus vaccine era. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(10), 1691-1693. doi:10.3201/eid1910.130448 Trivedi, T. K., Desai, R., Hall, A. J., Patel, M., Parashar, U. D., & Lopman, B. A. (2013). Clinical characteristics of norovirus-associated deaths: A systematic literature review. American Journal of Infection Control, 41(7), 654-657. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2012.08.002 Kang, G., Desai, R., Arora, R., Chitamabar, S., Naik, T. N., Krishnan, T., ... Parashar, U. D. (2013). Diversity of circulating rotavirus strains in children hospitalized with diarrhea in India, 2005-2009. Vaccine, 31(27), 2879 - 2883. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.04.030 Gastañaduy, P. A., Sánchez-Uribe, E., Esparza-Aguilar, M., Desai, R., Parashar, U. D., Patel, M., & Richardson, V. (2013). Effect of rotavirus vaccine on diarrhea mortality in different socioeconomic regions of Mexico. Pediatrics, 131(4), e1115-e1120. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2797 Sánchez-Uribe, E., Esparza-Aguilar, M., Gastañaduy, P. A., Desai, R., Patel, M., & Richardson, V. (2013). Risk factors associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis during a community outbreak in Chiapas, Mexico during the postvaccination era. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 2(1), 15-20. doi:10.1093/jpids/pis077 Desai, R., Cortese, M. M., Meltzer, M. I., Shankar, M., Tate, J. E., Yen, C., ... Parashar, U. D. (2013). Potential intussusception risk versus benefits of rotavirus vaccination in the United States. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32(1), 1-7. doi:10.1097/INF.0b013e318270362c Cardemil, C. V., Cortese, M. M., Medina-Marino, A., Jasuja, S., Desai, R., Leung, J., ... Gerber, S. I. (2012). Two rotavirus outbreaks caused by genotype G2P [4] at large retirement communities: Cohort studies. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157(9), 621-631. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-157-9-201211060-00006 Desai, R., Hall, A. J., Lopman, B. A., Shimshoni, Y., Rennick, M., Efron, N., ... Parashar, U. D. (2012). Norovirus disease surveillance using Google Internet query share data. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55(8), e75-e78. doi:10.1093/cid/cis579 Desai, R., Curns, A. T., Steiner, C. A., Tate, J. E., Patel, M. M., & Parashar, U. D. (2012). All-cause gastroenteritis and rotavirus-coded hospitalizations among US children, 2000-2009. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55(4), e28-e34. doi:10.1093/cid/cis443 Desai, R., Hembree, C. D., Handel, A., Matthews, J. E., Dickey, B. W., McDonald, S., ... Lopman, B. (2012). Severe outcomes are associated with genogroup 2 genotype 4 norovirus outbreaks: A systematic literature review. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 55(2), 189-193. doi:10.1093/cid/cis372 Patel, M. M., Glass, R., Desai, R., Tate, J. E., & Parashar, U. D. (2012). Fulfilling the promise of rotavirus vaccines: How far have we come since licensure? The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 12(7), 561-570. doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(12)70029-4Desai, R. (2012). US hospitalizations for rotavirus declined after vaccine introduction. Infectious Diseases in Children, 25(6), 8. Desai, R., Parashar, U. D., Lopman, B., Helena de Oliveira, L., Clark, A. D., Sanderson, C. F., ... Patel, M. M. (2012). Potential intussusception risk versus health benefits from rotavirus vaccination in Latin America. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 54(10), 1397-1405. doi:10.1093/cid/cis191 Desai, R., Lopman, B. A., Shimshoni, Y., Harris, J. P., Patel, M. M., & Parashar, U. D. (2012). Use of Internet search data to monitor impact of rotavirus vaccination in the United States. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 54(9), e115-e118. doi:10.1093/cid/cis121 Desai, R., Haberling, D., Holman, R. C., Singleton, R. J., Cheek, J. E., Groom, A. V., ... Esposito, D. H. (2012). Impact of rotavirus vaccine on diarrhea-associated disease burden among American Indian and Alaska Native children. Pediatrics, 129(4), e907-e913. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-2537 Desai, R., Curns, A. T., Patel, M. M., & Parashar, U. D. (2012). Trends in intussusception-associated deaths among US infants from 1979-2007. The Journal of Pediatrics, 160(3), 456-460. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.08.012 Humbaugh, K., Thoroughman, D., Chiguluri, V., Robeson, S., Hall, A. J., Kolwaite, A. R., & Desai, R. (2012). Norovirus outbreak at a boys' basketball tournament - Kentucky, February 2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 61(25), 471.<em>cid=mm6125a5</em>w Desai, R., Helena de Oliveira, L., Parashar, U. D., Lopman, B., Tate, J. E., & Patel, M. M. (2011). Reduction in morbidity and mortality from childhood diarrhoeal disease after species A rotavirus vaccine introduction in Latin America: A review. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 106(8), 907-911. doi:10.1590/s0074-02762011000800002 Desai, R., Yen, C., Wikswo, M., Gregoricus, N. A., Provo, J. E., Parashar, U. D., & Hall, A. J. (2011). Transmission of norovirus among NBA players and staff, winter 2010-2011. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 53(11), 1115-1117. doi:10.1093/cid/cir682 Desai, R., Esposito, D. H., Lees, C., Goodin, K., Harris, M., Blostein, J., & Parashar, U. D. (2011). Rotavirus-coded deaths in children, United States, 1999-2007. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 30(11), 986-988. doi:10.1097/INF.0b013e318220fe20 Desai, R., Pannaraj, P. S., Agopian, J., Sugar, C. A., Liu, G. Y., & Miller, L. G. (2011). Survival and transmission of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from fomites. American Journal of Infection Control, 39(3), 219-225. doi:10.1016/j.ajic.2010.07.005 Sandora, T. J., Desai, R., Miko, B. A., & Harper, M. B. (2009). Assessing quality indicators for pediatric community-acquired pneumonia. American Journal of Medical Quality, 24(5), 419-427. doi:10.1177/1062860609337900 Desai, R., Ross, L. A., & Hoffman, J. A. (2009). The role of bronchoalveolar lavage galactomannan in the diagnosis of pediatric invasive aspergillosis. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 28(4), 283-286. doi:10.1097/INF.0b013e31818f0934 Koo, J., & Desai, R. (2003). Traditional Chinese medicine in dermatology. Dermatologic Therapy, 16(2), 98-105. doi:10.1046/j.1529-8019.2003.01617.x