General information

Vincent Waldman, PhD
Head of Content Operations
Dr. Vincent Waldman (PhD) was hired to work with Osmosis in 2016 to create videos, but his background is in academic research. He graduated with a doctorate in Biochemistry from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in Biophysics at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Waldman joined Osmosis to continue because it offered him a chance to increase scientific literacy on a large scale. Since then he has been involved with every step of the video production process and is currently the Director of Video Production. In this role, he manages a team of about 20 video creators and has overseen the production of over a thousand videos. When he is not working for Osmosis, Dr. Waldman enjoys landscape photography and rollerskating.
- Tackett, S., Waldman, V., & Marshall, T. (2019). In reply to Korman et al [Letter to the editor]. Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 94(4). doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002601
- Tackett, S., Slinn, K., Marshall, T., Gaglani, S., Waldman, V., & Desai, R. (2018). Medical education videos for the world: An analysis of viewing patterns for a YouTube channel. American Medicine, 93(8), 1150-1156. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000002118
- Baird, F., Clifford, S., Day, A., Desai, R., Marshall, T., Popa, V., ... Waldman, V. (2018). Cardiovascular Pathology. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis.
- Baird, F., Desai, R., Dollar, A., Ling, J., Marshall, T., Norton, B., ... Waldman, V. (2018). Respiratory Pathology. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis.
- Baird, F., Day, A., Desai, R., Dollar, A., Ling, J., Marshall, T., ... Xiao, Y. (2018). Embryology. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis.
- Baird, F., Clifford, S., Day, A., Desai, R., Dollar, A., Marshall, T., ... Xiao, Y. (2017). Psychological Disorders. Baltimore, MD: Osmosis.
- Baird, F., Day, A., Desai, R., Marshall, T., Slinn, K., & Waldman, V. (2017). Renal Pathology (1.02 ed.). Baltimore, MD: Osmosis.
- Waldman, V. M., Weiland, E., Kozlov, A. G., & Lohman, T. M. (2016). Is a fully wrapped SSB–DNA complex essential for escherichia coli survival? Nucleic Acids Research, 44(9), 4317-4329. doi:10.1093/nar/gkw262
- Kozlov, A. G., Weiland, E., Mittal, A., Waldman, V., Antony, E., Fazio, N., ... Lohman, T. M. (2015). Intrinsically disordered C-terminal tails of E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein regulate cooperative binding to single-stranded DNA. Journal of Molecular Biology, 427(4), 763-774. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2014.12.020
- Waldman, V., Stanage, T. H., Mims, A., Norden, I. S., & Oakley, M. G. (2015). Structural mapping of the coiled‚Äêcoil domain of a bacterial condensin and comparative analyses across all domains of life suggest conserved features of SMC proteins. Proteins, 83(6), 1027-1045. doi:10.1002/prot.24778
- Weitzel, C. S., Waldman, V. M., Graham, T. A., & Oakley, M. G. (2011). A repeated coiled-coil interruption in the escherichia coli condensin MukB. Journal of Molecular Biology, 414(4), 578-595. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2011.10.028