Educate the next generation of healthcare workers
Use these free resources in your transition from live classes to distance learning
- Using Osmosis to support distance learning
- How to transform live courses into online courses
- How to effectively facilitate large group learning via video conference
- How to manage small group learning via video conference
- Managing your students’ mental health during public health emergencies
- Promoting mental wellbeing during social distancing
Support our healthcare workers' mental and physical well-being
- Development of the COVID-19 VaccineHow do we even go about making the COVID19 vaccine?
- Emerging CoronavirusesEmerging diseases are illnesses that have increased in incidence during the past 20 years, or are expected to increase in the near future.
- Will the COVID-19 vaccines be safe?Many of the candidate COVID-19 vaccines being tested right now are based on the ideas and technology used to make vaccines that are already approved
- What is the treatment for COVID-19?Treatment is primarily focused on supporting individuals while their body fights the infection, and to reduce the patient’s symptoms
- COVID-19 April UpdateWhat is Coronavirus Disease 19?
- Clinical Skills: N95 MasksLearn how to properly fit an N95 mask
- Disinfecting Frequently Touched SurfacesLearn how to identify the key signs of COVID-19 on a chest CT scan
- Imaging Features of COVID-19Slow the spread of COVID-19
- Clinical Skills: Body Temperature AssessmentWhat exactly is fever
- Clinical Skills: Mechanical ventilation - conventional ventilatorsWhat is a conventional ventilator?
- Clinical Skills: Pulse oximetryWhat is pulse oximetry?
- Knowledge Shot: Hand WashingLearn the proper hand washing technique
- Clinical Skills: Respiratory rate assessmentLearn how to assess a patient's respiratory rate
- Clinical Skills: High-frequency oscillatory ventilationWhat is high frequency oscillatory ventilation?
- Clinical Skills: BiPAP and CPAPLearn how to initiate BiPAP and CPAP on a patient
- Support health educators’ mental health during high-stress periods
The Association of College and University Educators Online Teaching Toolkit
The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) has created an online teaching toolkit to help support your transition to teaching in an online environment.
These resources are divided into six key topic areas for teaching remotely:
• Welcoming students to the online environment• Managing your online presence
• Organizing your online course
• Planning and facilitating quality discussions
• Recording effective microlectures
• Engaging students in readings and microlectures
Curricular mapping & support
Osmosis is designed to work with your course content, not to replace it…or you.
We integrate directly with your LMS to map Osmosis content and resources to your curriculum. So you can make sure the Osmosis platform supports your program’s learning goals by serving up relevant content to faculty and students.

Reporting & analytics
When transitioning from live classes to distance learning, you need to identify and remediate at-risk (and failing) students as early as possible.
With Osmosis, your faculty can offer continuous low-stakes assessments to students via 2,700+ rigorously reviewed USMLE®-style questions. By pairing these assessments with the Osmosis Reporting Dashboard, your faculty are able to spot learning gaps, and your institution will receive an early indication of students who are struggling.
Engaging content library
Our platform amplifies and clarifies what your students learn with:
An engaging and comprehensive library with more than 1,700 videos that students can watch at their own speed anytime, anywhere.
15,000+ flashcards that reinforce understanding.
Q & A assessment with 2,700+ rigorously reviewed USMLE®-style questions
1,200+ High-Yield Notes covering Physiology & Pathology to help students master the essentials.

Start a conversation to learn how Osmosis can support your transition to distance learning
Complete the form below to request a demo and explore peer-reviewed research on the pedagogy behind Osmosis. Our dedicated team will respond to your request within 48 hours.
Start a conversation to learn how Osmosis can support your transition to distance learning
Start a conversation to learn how Osmosis can support your transition to distance learning
Complete the form below to request a demo and explore peer-reviewed research on the pedagogy behind Osmosis. Our dedicated team will respond to your request within 48 hours.