Chigger Bites

What Are They, Appearance, and More

Author: Corinne Tarantino, MPH
Editor: Ahaana Singh
Editor: Kelsey LaFayette, DNP, ARNP, FNP-C
Editor: Lily Guo, MD
Illustrator: Abbey Richard, MSc
Copyeditor: Joy Mapes
Modified: Jan 06, 2025

What are chigger bites?

Chiggers bites are bites from the larval form of the trombiculid mite, also known as chiggers. Other names for this mite include berry bugs, bush-mites, red bugs, and harvest mites. In general, chiggers live in low grasses, weeds, and shrubs in tropical, humid climates year-round. However, most bites occur during summer through early autumn, which coincides with their breeding season.  

 Chiggers tend to attach to and bite the exposed skin of an individual who spends time in their habitat. The bites will often be located in a cluster around areas of tight clothing, like the ankles, or along the waistline since the tight clothing restricts movement of mites. They are often found behind the knees, and between the toes as well. Upon attaching to the skin, the mites inject saliva that breaks down skin cells. The affected individual’s immune system then reacts to the chemical compounds in the mites’ saliva, resulting in the intense pruritus associated with chigger bites. In areas near Southeast Asia and Australia, chiggers may carry the bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi, which can cause scrub typhus in infected humans. 

An infographic detailing the background, causes, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of chigger bites.

What do chigger bites look like?

Initially, one may see the mites, appearing as little red dots on the skin. After 3-24 hours, the individual may develop groups of papules, or raised bumps, about 1-2 millimeters (mm) in diameter that can last for up to 3 weeks. If the individual has had previous exposure, the reaction usually occurs more quickly.  

What are the signs and symptoms of chigger bites?

In addition to the appearance of small, red bumps, chigger bites are often characterized by an onset of itchiness within a couple hours of the bite. Chiggers do not stay attached for long and fall off or die within hours after biting the individual. The number of new eruptions and itching may increase for 2 days and can persist for weeks even after the mites drop off. Chigger bites on the penis can result in an immune reaction known as summer penile syndrome, that often occurs in children and is characterized by penile swelling and itching, as well as pain during urination typically occurring in the summer months of June through September. 

Can chigger bites spread?

Chigger bites cannot spread, as they occur only where the mites have bitten an individual. Therefore, an individual cannot transmit chigger bites to another person. Generally, attached chiggers easily fall off the skin, whether the individual pushes them off by scratching, tight clothing rubs them off, or they fall off on their own after they have eaten enough.  

How are chigger bites diagnosed and treated?

Chigger bites are usually diagnosed based on history of an intensely itchy rash that occurs 2-3 hours after spending times outdoors in grassy or wooded areas. Chigger bites can also be diagnosed on physical examination, revealing the characteristic 1-2 mm papules, commonly along the waistline, ankles, behind the knees, and around the toes.  

Occasionally, the diagnosis will be confirmed by removing any remaining mites via tape stripping, during which a piece of tape is firmly pressed to the skin and quickly removed, and then identifying the removed mites using light microscopy. 

Treatment of chigger bites involves removing any remaining chiggers and controlling the associated symptoms. Generally, taking a hot shower or a bath and cleaning the affected area with soap and water can help remove chiggers from the body. Applying an antiseptic solution such as hydrogen peroxide to the bites can kill any remaining chiggers on the skin. Since itching and inflammation often persist after the mites are gone, over-the-counter anti-itch creams, such as calamine lotion, and creams containing camphor and menthol can be used. Topical corticosteroids may be recommended to provide relief of itching, and oral antihistamines like cetirizine or hydroxyzine may also be taken to ease the inflammatory response. For intense itching, intralesional corticosteroid injections can be used to reduce swelling and relieve pruritus.  

How can chigger bites be prevented?

Various actions can discourage chiggers from crawling onto the body and accessing the skin, helping to prevent chigger bites. When spending time outdoors in areas where chiggers may be present, individuals can minimize the risk of chigger bites by wearing high socks, long pantslong-sleeved shirts, and well-soled hiking shoes, as well as by pulling the tops of socks over the bottoms of pant legs. Additionally, chemical insect repellent, such as a bug spray or cream containing diethyltoluamide (DEET), can be applied to the skin or clothing to keep chiggers away. Natural insect repellent oils, like citronella, are another option to deter chiggers. Finally, clothing can be treated with permethrin, an insecticide that kills chiggers.  

What are the most important facts to know about chigger bites?

Chigger bites occur when mite larvae attach to an individuals’ skin and bite, which often happens when an individual walks through grasses in humid areas. The bites appear as small, red bumps that are frequently clustered around the edges of tight clothing, like the waistband, and are accompanied by intense itching. Chigger bites cannot spread from person-to-person or around the body, as each mite will bite only once. Diagnosis is based on a history of potential chigger exposure and physical examination revealing the characteristic lesions associated with chigger bites. Treatments generally include washing skin with soap and water to kill the mites and the use of anti-itch creams. Chigger bites may be prevented by covering the skin with clothing and using insect repellent. When applying any insect repellent, it is very important to read and carefully follow the instructions on the product label. 

Summary At A Glance

What are chigger bites?Bites from the larval form of the trombiculid mite, also known as chiggers.
Signs and SymptomsSmall, red papules and itching.
DiagnosisHistory and physical examination.
TreatmentCleansing affected area, over-the-counter medications.


American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Chiggers.  

Arlian L. Chiggers - An overview. ScienceDirect. Published 2009.  

Stekolnikov AA. A checklist of chigger mites (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) of Southeast Asia. Zootaxa. 2021;4913(1). doi:  

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2020, June 16). Using insect repellents safely and effectively. In: EPA: Key Topics, A-Z Index. Retrieved April 13, 2021, from