In today’s Osmosis blog, we’re addressing some of the most common myths and misconceptions about the NCLEX. Let’s separate fact from fiction!
The high-stakes nature of board exams like the NCLEX means that rumors about how to game the system and optimize your chances for success end up circulating widely. We asked team member Jannah Amiel, MSN, BSN, RN, to share some of her wisdom on the NCLEX®.
Myth #1: The new NCLEX NGN is here
This myth is nearly fact! The Next Generation NCLEX is in place as of April 2023, which means that students graduating in the spring of 2023 will be the first students to be tested with the NGN.
This new NCLEX isn’t as scary as some people are making it up to be. In fact, it’s likely that the exam will offer a better experience for test takers; one of the common complaints about the current exam is that it maybe doesn’t reflect practice as well or as close as it could. If all goes according to plan, this NGN NCLEX will better bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Myth #2: If your NCLEX exam shuts off after 75 questions you’ve passed.
This is another common rumor that’s simply not true. With the NCLEX-RN®, you can get anywhere from 75 questions to 265 questions.. Just because you get the minimum amount of questions and the computer shuts off does not mean that you’ve passed. It also doesn’t mean that you failed.
When you’re taking the actual exam, don’t focus so much on the number of questions that you’re getting—it’s just a distraction. Instead, concentrate on doing your very best, answering every single question to the very best of your critical thinking nurse brain ability. You’ve got this!
Myth #3: The Pearson VUE trick
Have you heard of the Pearson VUE trick? Some people think they can get their “pass or fail” result early by registering for the NCLEX again on the Pearson VUE website: if you’re able to register, you failed, and if you aren’t, you’re passed. Again, this is just not true. If you want to get your results officially and legitimately, wait for your official results: they’ll be sent to you. It can take a couple of weeks, and yes, it feels long, and it’s anxiety-inducing!
If you feel like you need to speed up the results, you can take advantage of the Quick Results service and find out whether you passed or failed within 48 hours—and this is something that the NCSBN endorses.
Myth #4: “Select all that applies” questions show how you’re doing on the NCLEX
A common myth about Select All That Applies (SATA) questions is that if you get a lot of them on your test, you’re definitely passing. Again, this is definitely not true—and it’s actually very subjective.
The NCLEX is unique to each and every single test-taker: one test-taker might get 10 SATA’s on their test and feel like that was a ton; another test-taker might get 30 on their test and feel like that wasn’t so much. What denotes “a lot of SATA questions” is very subjective based on things like your ability, your skill, your perception of taking the test, and how much you love or hate SATA questions. The perception that you’re seeing a lot of them is not an indicator of whether you’re on track to passing or failing.
This is a good time to remind you that you shouldn’t focus too much on the types of questions that you’re getting during the exam. Instead, focus on being a rock star test-taker and answering everything to the best of your ability.
Another myth about SATA questions is that you can get partial credit for them. Again, not true. With SATAs, one, some, or all of the answer options provided may be correct. To get that question right, you have to answer all of the answer options that are correct—and there’s no partial credit that’s given for that.
Myth #5: The NCLEX is easier in different states
Another extremely popular and extremely wrong idea people have about the NCLEX is that it varies in difficulty from state to state. Not true! The NCLEX is a national exam: which means it’s used everywhere in the US (and it’s also used in Canada). Whether you test in Florida, Idaho, New York, Wisconsin, or Hawaii, the NCLEX is used nationwide, and it’s exactly the same exam wherever you go.
What is different are the rules around the test. Each state has a State Board of Nursing, and it’s really important that you’re familiar with your State Board of Nursing and what that testing rule says. For example, each state has a policy in place regarding the number of times that you can take the test and in what time period. One state might have testing rules that say you can only take the NCLEX five times and that’s it. A different state could have rules that say you can take the NCLEX up to three times, but then you have to take a remediation course if you’ve not been successful, and then you can apply again.
These state-by-state rules around how you take the test are different, but the exam itself is not. So no matter what state you go to, things aren’t any difficult or any easier based on geography alone.
Bonus: What changes are in place for COVID-19?
Nothing has changed regarding the quality or the standards of the exam, but it is important to be familiar with the logistical changes that are in place. The best place to go to find that out is directly on the NCSBN‘s website. There, you can familiarize yourself with masking requirements and any other measures that have been put in place to make sure we’re all able to take the exam safely.
Good luck with your exams, future nurses!
Liz Lucas has been an RN since 2008 and has an Ed.D. with Emphasis in Nursing and Health Professions Education. Liz’s clinical background is in oncology, and she later transitioned into nursing academia, where she taught in a pre-licensure nursing program for several years. Liz feels passionate about building a strong nursing workforce through increasing education accessibility and believes in the role of technology in that pursuit. At Osmosis, Liz manages the nursing assessment and scripting teams. Liz currently lives near Baltimore, MD, with her husband, two sons, and dog.
Jannah Amiel, MS, BSN, RN is a Registered Nurse, entrepreneur, and educator recognized by the March of Dimes for her ‘Clinical and Academic Excellence.’ Jannah founded and created tootRN™, LLC in 2013-providing tutoring, coaching, and NCLEX® expertise to nursing students and schools across the globe. Jannah is also a Clinical and Nursing Subject Matter Expert (SME), serving as a consultant for many nursing and healthcare leaders, including Osmosis. Jannah earned her Master of Science in Nursing degree from Florida Atlantic University‘s Emerging Nurse Leaders program, and also holds a BSN and ASN degree from Keiser University.
NCLEX-RN® and NCLEX-PN® are registered trademarks of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc (NCSBN®). Osmosis is not affiliated with NCSBN.

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