Ready for today’s NCLEX-RN® question? Test your knowledge by determining which ethically complex issue the following situation relates to.
The nurse in the genealogy clinic is working with a patient who has tested positive for the HTT gene, which causes Huntington’s disease. The patient states that they do not want their results shared with their significant other. Which ethically complex issue does this situation directly relate to?
A. Disclosure of results
B. Consent for testing
C. Discrimination
D. Right to refuse testing
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The correct answer to today’s NCLEX-RN® Question is…
A. Disclosure of results
Rationale: This situation concerns the client’s right to disclosure of results. This means that the results of a genetic test cannot be shared without the client’s explicit permission. This can be an ethically complex issue if there are family members who may benefit from knowing the outcome of certain genetic screening tests, but the client chooses not to disclose the results.
Major Takeaway
One of genomics’ most significant ethical implications is confidentiality and the right to privacy concerning a client’s unique genetic information. This means that the results of a genetic test cannot be shared without the client’s explicit permission. This can be an ethically complex issue if there are family members who may benefit from knowing the outcome of certain genetic screening tests, but the client chooses not to disclose the results.
Clients should be educated about the possible risks and benefits of their options, including the option to disclose their test results or to keep them confidential. Most importantly, the nurse is required to safeguard the client’s privacy, which includes protecting the confidentiality of their medical records. There is also the right to know, which means clients have the right to know they are being genetically screened. Genetic testing should not be prescribed without written client consent. The client is also entitled to the disclosure of all genetic testing findings, including results that were not being directly tested but coincidentally discovered.
Incorrect Answer Explanations
B. Consent for testing
Rationale: This situation does not relate to the client’s consent for testing. Before performing genetic testing, the nurse will obtain consent to test their genetic makeup.
C. Discrimination
Rationale: This situation does not relate to discrimination. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) makes it illegal for employers or health insurance companies to discriminate against a person because of their genetic information, including using this information to identify pre-existing conditions or to set insurance premium rates.
D. Right to refuse testing
Rationale: This situation does not relate to the client’s right to refuse testing. Prior to performing genetic testing, the nurse will obtain consent to test their genetic makeup. All clients have the right to refuse any medical procedure, treatment, or testing.
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