Physical assessment - Peripheral vascular system: Nursing

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Assessment of the peripheral vascular system should be completed as part of a comprehensive client assessment, or as part of a focused exam if the client is experiencing issues that might be related to the function of the peripheral vascular system, like arterial or venous ulcers. Let’s review the process of completing an assessment of the peripheral vascular system.
Okay, the supplies you’ll need for your assessment include a stethoscope with a diaphragm and bell, a skin marker, a doppler ultrasound device, drapes, and a good source of light.
Then, prepare for the exam by ensuring your client is in a comfortable position, that your hands and stethoscope are warm, and that the temperature in the room is comfortable. Provide privacy by closing the door and curtains, properly draping your client, and only exposing areas of their body as needed to perform your examination.
Before getting started, explain the procedure to your client and be sure to answer any questions they might have before obtaining verbal consent. Then, perform hand hygiene and collect your supplies.
Now, locating the anatomical landmarks of the peripheral vascular system will help guide your assessment. Peripheral pulses that can be palpated include the carotid pulse, located on the neck behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle, or scm, just below the angle of the jaw; the brachial pulse, located in the center of the cubital fossa, medially to the biceps tendon; the radial pulse, found in the wrist along the lateral aspect of the forearm, just below the base of the thumb; the femoral pulse, located below the inguinal ligament, between the pubic and hip bones; the popliteal pulse, located behind the knees; the dorsalis pedis pulse, found on the dorsal aspect of the foot; and the posterior tibial pulse, located just behind the medial malleolus.
Alright, methods of assessment for the peripheral vascular system include inspection, palpation, and auscultation.