Today’s NCLEX-RN® question of the day focuses on the physiology of the eye.
The nurse is reviewing the physiology of the eye. Which layer of the eye contains the iris?
A. Neural layer
B. Vascular layer
C. Fibrous layer
D. Vitreous layer
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The correct answer to today’s NCLEX-RN® Question is…
B. Vascular layer
Rationale: The vascular layer is the middle layer of the eye which contains the iris, pupil, choroid, and ciliary body.

Main takeaway
The eye is made up of three layers: the fibrous outer layer, the middle vascular layer, and the neural layer. The vascular layer is the middle layer of the eye which contains the iris, pupil, choroid, and ciliary body.
Incorrect answer explanations
A. Neural layer
Rationale: The neural layer is the inner layer of the eye which contains the retina. The retina is the light detecting component of the eye.
C. Fibrous layer
Rationale: The fibrous layer is the outer layer of the eye which contains the cornea and sclera.
D. Vitreous layer
Rationale: The vitreous layer includes the space between the lens and back of the eye, which consists of vitreous humor.
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